Black Month 2022: Wardow draws a positive balance

Black Month 2022: Wardow draws a positive balance
Nina Stocklöw
January 11, 2023
Black Month 2022: Wardow draws a positive balance

If you are looking for a nice branded handbag, a new purse or a suitcase for your next vacation or business trip, the Wardow online shop is the right place for you!
The one-man business founded in 2005 has since grown into one of the largest online players in its field. A look at the numbers in November 2022 proves this once again: Wardow was also able to record a successful "Black Month" in 2022 - with a peak in order numbers over the Black Week.
Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technologies, constant function and performance optimizations as well as extensions to the hosting setup, the shop ran extremely stably and efficiently that season and was able to handle peak loads, such as those that occurred on Singles Day, Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday, without any problems.
In preparation for 2022, the focus was in particular on expanding the hosting setup as well as system-side performance optimizations. For example, it was analyzed at regular intervals which functions or modules triggered a particularly large number of queries against the database and could therefore represent bottlenecks during peak loads. These points could be handled by adapting the respective logic or introducing appropriate caching mechanisms.

We wish Wardow another successful business year!